
a sow's ear

Melanie Renn

Back in 1998 I sold the fabulous but no longer affordable five bedroom Eichler I owned for nine years, moved right to the wrong side of the tracks (aka Highway 101) where Michael and I bought our 1974 Glage manufactured home (aka trailer). Cash in full. No mortgage.

I still get a kick out of the fact that I traded in my $4000-a-year property taxes for a $135-a-year vehicle renewal. Seriously. No, of course it's not a vehicle, but the politicians in Sacramento didn't figure that out until a few years after we bought our unmobilehome. Same location, better deal.

Right before we took possession, I shot a roll of film to help me visualize what I could do with it. Get ready for a good laugh. Looking at the Then and Now, I honestly don't know how we found the courage. No wonder I was suicidal for two years.

What $400,000 will get you in various locations across the country

Melanie Renn

Melanie Renn

Melanie Renn

Melanie Renn

Melanie Renn

Melanie Renn

Melanie Renn

Melanie Renn